Tuesday, 18 June 2019

First Love

My first love is a love I will never forget. I met him through my work when I was 18 and I was dating his friend.

Luckily his friend broke up with me and so I started dating Graham.

We went everywhere in my beetle and went to lots of concerts and nights out and really had a blast. It wasn't until we moved in together at 19 that things started to change and the wonderful life we had was blotted out by bills and neighbours (we was loud)

We moved three places whilst we was together and the last place we got a cat called Jasper from a rescue home, my dad had moved in with us for a bit as he was having an affair and my mother had kicked him out and it was all a bit strange having my Dad living with us and our relationship deteriorated after this. I moved back home with Jasper.

What I didn't know was that when my dad died he was just waiting for me to get over it so he could move on as he had been seeing someone else.

It took me a long time to get over Graham and I still don't think I am fully over him as we had kept in touch a few times and met a few years back for a coffee whilst I was running up tower 42 in London for Shelter charity.

It got so much for me that he used to send me old pictures of myself with him and I was going through a tough time with my mental health and was always crying and I had to cut him off at that point as the relationship was upsetting me and seeing all the pictures of how happy we were. I told him to enjoy his life and the relationship he was in and not to contact me again.

I still haven't spoke to him and it's going on now four years but you know one day I hope that he will contact me again and I maybe in a better place to deal with our friendship than I was the last time we was in touch.

It is so true a first love never leaves you.

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