Tuesday, 21 May 2019

Paranormal Experiences

We all believe in something right and I believe in the paranormal and what does that mean exactly well it means I believe in an afterlife, ghosts and spirits.

Paranormal events are purported phenomena described in popular culturefolk, and other non-scientific bodies of knowledge, whose existence within these contexts is described as beyond normal experience or scientific explanation

I have had a few paranormal experiences from being a child to mostly experiences as an adult.
One experience was when we lived in an old country cottage that was a grade 2 listed building down in Surrey.

There used to be doors banging and cupboards opening all the time and just an eerie feeling to the house. When we had moved in their was some pentagrams on the wall and what was remnants of a witch or some kind of paranormal person who had lived there before we bought the place. My father died rather suddenly in this house in front of me and after this my experiences became more active. I was in the house one night and could hear someone upstairs and thinking my sister was in the house didn't think much of it. The walking across the landing to and fro and I wondered what she was doing then I heard my parents door open and close and this door had a distinct sound as it was on a rollerball mechanism. Wondering what she was doing I headed up the stairs and looked into my parents room and nothing and all the other rooms and nothing it then dawned on me that I was in fact alone in the house and what I was hearing was not of this world. My sister actually walked in the door about half an hour later and I told her what had happened she said "Oh it happens to me all the time" My mother actually had a lot of experiences in the house after my father died and she said she felt him get off the floor from where he died and get into bed beside her. I believed her too.
Some people had even seen victorian people in our house that used to cross through walls and then not seen again if you went looking for them.

My next major paranormal experience was when I owned my horse and I was at the stables late one night by myself. I was just putting some things away in the tack room and the weather was still and I noticed a white shadow figure just moving very slowly towards the big indoor arena we had there. This white figure had no legs but seemed to take on a form of some sort like a floating bodily form and floated right into the arena. I was too terrified to go looking in the arena as to what it was and quickly made my way out of the stables completely baffled as to what I had just witnessed. I did ask about the next day and a few of the people there said they had seen the exact figure and always near the arena but no-one could say what it was or why it was there and nothing major had ever happened at the stables that anybody knew of.

I was really lucky recently to go on a ghost hunt to a place called The Village in Mansfield UK what an eerie place this is to visit I must say. I had some very paranormal experiences there like a lot of folk that work there and have visited day to day and on ghost hunts. I kept getting a back ache in a certain place we were in with a snooker table like something was sitting on my back. Some of the fabulous guys who were conducting the ghost hunt said that there was a spirit man who was standing right by me quite interested in me as I am very spiritual that was quite unnerving. We heard shuffles and even a groan which sounded like a man right by us.

We all went into another room and there was supposed to be an evil man ghost in there and I just felt very angry like angrier than I had ever felt I wanted to scream and shout at everyone and had to leave the room at one point as it was getting too much for me. My friend Scarlett had a worse experience and this evil spirit was actually taunting her and making her very emotional. At one point in an experiment we were all holding hands and our hands were going up with what felt like children dancing around us and it was as if I could hear them singing. One child would not let go of Scarlett and literally had her hands snug up to her body and wouldn't let go. The lovely paranormal guys helped out and she was freed in the end but she had a scratch on her hand after this event and she was very emotional about it all. Scarlett was supposed to do a lone vigil but in the end Ashley one of the great paranormal investigators said that it was not wise for her to do it due to her emotions and that she had been so touched by the spirits.

The night was so good we are all going back to The Village in August to do another ghost hunt there and the same fabulous paranormal investigators will be with us. Scarlett and I both said that the place has like a pull on you and it is as if it is calling you back there.

I am lucky to be following some brilliant paranormal investigators on several social networks and people of a like minded nature. There is always a ghost hunt going on and it's really great hearing about it from others and hearing other peoples experiences with the afterlife.

I wonder what other paranormal experiences await me and wonder what awaits us next time we visit The Village?


Unknown said...

See you on the next one. Good write up by the way πŸ˜πŸ‘»πŸ˜

Unknown said...

Oooh made me even more excited for August xxx

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