Friday, 31 May 2019

Twitter and Me

I love twitter on one hand and I love it as it helps with my mental health on the other I am on it way to much for my mental health!

I used to have an account which I started in 2009 and seeing Philip Schofield rave about this micro blogging site he had found. I loved it instantly I had got quite few followers on that account some really great people but sadly my mental health took a turn for the worst at the end of 2016 and I abandoned ship and completely deleted my account. I didn't think much of it at the time and was quite relieved to be shot of it but it wasn't until I was getting better that I decided to use a spare twitter account I had to come back again.

A funny thing happened on my old account I used to follow Matt Horn from Gavin and Stacey and one night I was watching a ghost show on pick and so was he. We started talking and I said something to him which for the life of me now I cannot remember, probably I was a bit squiffy and I offended him unknowingly, anyway that was the last of that beautiful friendship and he blocked me!

I follow some great people now too and I am always grateful for a follow. I love how you can interact with people that you wouldn't necessarily meet in real life and that you can follow celebrities and tweet to them and if you're lucky get a mention or like back!

I have met some lovely people off twitter whom are now my friends.

I love the paranormal family that I follow and you can always see an interesting thread on who has been on a paranormal hunt I do like that. It's a lovely community and that is what twitter is all about isn't it. There are other communities on there and all of them are great.

So the other day on my newt_kiters account I was attacked by a spam bot. I stupidly clicked on someones link thinking it was for something quite genuine when in fact it was just stupid spam and I had to delete my account as every time I went into it it kept DM'ing people spam and they were not impressed and I got upset, I know over twitter! But all seems to be okay now with it and the spam bot seems to have gone I hope!

Also if you're reading this and either not on twitter or not following me add me my blog account is NewtfulThings and my normal twitter is newt_kiters and I'll give you a follow back!

Are you die hard fan of twitter or do you limit your time on there?  Let me know in the comments, always interesting to get other people comments and reactions to things I talk about!


So I thought I would try this as I have so much artwork that I don't know what to do with and thought it would be a nice idea to drop in a giveaway on one of my pieces. I love Paris so much and wanted to capture the essence of it with a bit of old style masters thrown in.

All you have to do, if you like it, is tell me in the comments why you would like the piece of art. Remember to leave your twitter handle and stay in touch with the blog.

The giveaway is open to anyone and I can post anywhere!

Here is the picture I am giving away unframed ↓

So again all you have to do is tell me why you would like the picture and leave your twitter handle and keep an eye on the blog and I'll announce the winner within a week

Tuesday, 28 May 2019

I'm a Dreamer

I'm one of life's dreamers I think I wanted to be every single thing you could be growing up. I think I have also tried a lot in my time also.

I wanted to be an actress and turned out that I got into modelling just for a nano second and then when they wanted me to lose tons of weight it all went pear shaped. Although my acting did spark when I got cast for three commercials one was as a wife driving a Chrysler voyager car! One was for Wimpy where I had to eat a burger with no burger in it yuck and the other was for Clearasil in Germany I was part of the crowd!!!

I wanted to be a horse rider and a jockey and I have horse ridden since I was young and shared a little pony called Misty until Misty got too old then I used to look after horses for people and eventually bought my own ex-race horse called Rustlers Dream (Russ) and then another horse called Bones whom both I was going to become the next Harvey Smith on and ride to glory, which never happened as Bones was an ex-showjumper and was quite elderly and Russ just wanted to race off on grass with me flailing behind him clinging on for dear life!! I used to work as a live in groom which is as far as I got with my dream but at least I had the opportunity to work, live and breathe horses. My dream one day is to own a stables and have a yard but that is a lottery win I think!!

I used to ice skate as a teenager and got up to my exams and passed the first basic six exams but I don't skate as much anymore sadly I used to dream of being an ice skater and used to even get up in the mornings at five and go to the rink to practice I was there every night as well.

I wanted to be a tennis player but due to lack of money didn't get very far with that, but now my daughter plays tennis and I love to watch her playing the sport as it is my favourite sport if anyone has ever noticed!!

I have travelled the world and then became homeless upon my return for six months which was not a happy time.

I have been a police officer in the Metropolitan Police Service in London for three years and that really did open my eyes to the world and at the time I was very young when I joined as I had joined just after my dad had died in 1992 and he was in the Met as well and had worked on the Suzy Lamplugh case and had been in the murder squad, the fraud squad and many others through the CID I was so proud of him. I was called the handbag when I joined as I joined a team of males these days you couldn't get away with things like that but it didn't bother me back then I was young and took it as a joke! One night I was at the station desk for a post and the station was busy with people waiting to report or check in and one of our prolific thieves walked through the door just totally ignoring all the other people waiting and said he needed some help for something and I said to him he would have to put his cigarette out and he flicked it right into the area with all the people waiting and burnt some poor womans leg, the look on his face as this huge guy who usually is being nicked and locked up was profusely apologising to this woman was one of those moments that you had to be there for!!

Another time we was called to this flat as neighbours hadn't seen the occupant for a while and they said it smelt funny through his letter box so off my partner and I went to knock and see if anyone was in. Constant knocking to no avail and we couldn't kick the door in so we radioed two male officers up to come help us and they managed to kick the door in in the end. Well oh my god what happens but this little old man comes running out swearing at us and saying he was watching effing Coronation Street and what the eff was we doing! So there we were four officers trying to explain we thought he may have been dead as his neighbours were worried and had smelt something bad from his flat. We got him a replacement door and apologised but he put in a complaint even though his door was fixed and we was trying to make sure he was safe!! It really was again one of those moments you had to be there for.

I had to do lots of things I had never done or seen in the police and one was dead people and accidents and mortuaries which is the unpleasant side to the job but these days I am able to put all I have seen into a separate compartment in my head and deal with it unlike when I was younger and was unable to. I had PTSD upon leaving the job and that is when I went and travelled for a while.
Nowadays I think I could handle the job a lot better but because of my mental health illness I would never get back in.

I have a picture of me in my uniform somewhere I shall have to post it when I find it.

I still dream these days of being something I think we all do don't we. Do you have a dream and what is it? I would love to know so have your say in the comments ↓

ALERT Spammer

And its me.... apologies to everyone that was spammed by me I literally clicked on someones link in a post they had done and I thought it was for something else and it has spammed every single one of my followers I am completely mortified and in bits.
I have had to make a new account for now whilst it is investigated as every time I go into my twitter it is DM'ing people spam so have had to deactivate.
Well I did what I do best and have been bottling a lot up recently and burst into tears and sent out a message as best I could on twitter.
I am so embarrassed and I am so sorry for upsetting anyone.

Update - it has hopefully been sorted out now and am back but apologies again for anyone affected by this.


Some Friendships End

I used to have quite a lot of friends but then I got ill and a lot of them left me to it. Some didn't understand why I had changed so much and I have changed due to my illness.

I recently met a great friend through my daughter who was friends with her daughter but sadly that didn't turn out so good and unfortunately things got blown out of proportion when she had given my daughter her Netflix to use and as my daughter and her daughter were on it one night they were changing things and it got blocked by accident. She had a nightmare unblocking it and I got a terrible message through saying that I should get my own Netflix (which I had) and that it was basically all my fault and she told me in no uncertain terms which I shall say politely on here to do one. Well confused as I was I had forgotten all about my daughter using her Netflix and didn't know anything about the kids mucking about on it and changing stuff until I got the text telling me to get my own Netflix and she had spent hours on the phone trying to convince them she was who she was and for me to nicely do one. I was so confused that my daughter had to fill me in on it all and this is when the light bulb came on and I was like okay now I see why she is mad.

Sadly if she had just asked me what the problem was I would have been able to ask my daughter what had happened and clear it all straight up but I do fear she didn't really like me in the first place. She blocked me on twitter and removed herself from my facebook which is fair enough but harsh at the time and hurt like hell.

I had some bits of hers and we had tried to go round and drop them off after the text but no one came to the door so we left it at that. It was only yesterday, weeks later, that my elder daughter received a message from her saying would I like my picture back I gifted her. It was a picture of a ballet dancer I had painted and I had framed it for her. I said to my husband that I would like the picture back as I wasn't sure what she would with it if she doesn't want it anymore. So hubby went over there and gave her books and dvds back and ended up telling the husband that we wanted the picture back as she was going to throw it away, now where that had come from is anyones guess and probably a lost in translation to my 'she could do anything to it' line. I felt awful as I had gifted it to her and to be honest now I look back on it I wish I had let her keep it as it was a gift and I feel I was being petty asking for it back although she did offer. It did look really pretty in her home too.

My daughter saw her daughter not long back and she said that her mum thought I was weird, well this is true I am a character and very quirky and that my nine year old was a bit of a nuisance well this is true as well, she is nine and good at her job!! See how I turned these negatives round to positives to help me I am getting better at doing this now so I do not get hurt so easy!

I hold no ill towards anyone and at the end of the day it is her interpretation of the friendship that I must go along with and if she doesn't want to be friends anymore then I do respect how she feels. I do miss her though she was so funny and I loved her family her kids were lovely.

We make and lose friends throughout our lifetime and I am sure I will learn from this somehow.  I sure do give everything I have to a friendship and know that I didn't intentionally hurt her in any way so at least I know that.

My blog today was going to be about twitter but decided instead to get this off my chest once and for all and blog about it.

Monday, 27 May 2019

Dogs Why We Love Them

Dogs are simply great aren't they. I have two dogs one is a cross Labrador with an Alsatian called Jacks and the other is a little cross Jack Russell called Khan. Jacks is all black and fluffy and floppy ears and Khan is black and white and we think he may have been crossed with a Staffordshire Bull Terrier as it's an unusual colour for a Jack Russell.

What is it about dogs that we love so much well they are loyal and just love us so much. My dogs do some funny things.

One of my dogs the little Jack Russell he gets in under the covers of the bed and then likes to sleep in between my legs. Does anyone else dog do this? I looked it up once on the internet and it is a common thing some dogs do. There was the articles on how bad it was to have your dog in your bed and that you can catch all sorts of things and their was articles on why it is so good to have your dog snuggle up to you in your bed and is great for bonding with your dog! I guess the internet is locked on two different sides but I am very much in the corner that it is a good thing that my dog sleeps in my bed with me. So apparently dogs sleeping in between your legs is something to do with pack behaviour and in the wilds they all snuggle up to one another for warmth and protection.

My dogs go crazy at the door and every time the door goes they bark although this can be annoying I do tend to feel it is a deterrent and shows whoever comes that this house is guarded by dogs they certainly wouldn't want to mess with.

We used to have a dog called Teva as well who we had since a young dog we bought her off a breeder who had bred her for puppies and she had two litters. she was two years old when we got her and in a terrible state. Her poor nipples were dragging on the floor from having so many pups and so we welcomed her in and cared and loved her. Sadly she died in 2016 of cancer and was so poorly and we couldn't bare to see her suffering as she was struggling up the stairs too. So I took her to be put down and it was one of the hardest things I had to do in my whole life. I was literally screaming in pain and tears when I said goodbye to her. We have a picture of her now up in the front room and have her ashes in a little box with her collar. I shall never forget her and their is a poem that comforts me when I'm feeling sad about her passing it is called the rainbow bridge I shall post picture of it for you see. It really does comfort me.

Don't get me wrong I love all animals and we also have two degus called Chas & Dave they are like little chipmunks and we have a snake called Caramel. Two guinea pigs called Georgie and Stewie a rabbit called Kookie and a small hamster called Pearl. I would love to have a cat also as I do adore cats but my dogs would not agree with me on this and so that is something for the future maybe.

I ran a poll on twitter and 60% of you have a dog. 33% of you don't have a dog but would like one and 7% of you don't like dogs.

Do you have dogs and any pets let me know in the comments it would be great to hear what animals you have at home or even what pets you would like to own.


Sunday, 26 May 2019

The Royals

Love or hate them they are there and I for one love them and am a Royalist nut.
They bring in a lot of tourism to our country and people from all over the world travel to come see them and our Queen.

My favourite royals have to be Prince William and Kate Middleton and I not only just like them for the people they are but they do good things and I like the fact that they do a lot for mental health and the awareness of mental health. I also love hearing about their children and seeing the pictures that they grace us with.
Mental health being a subject very close to my heart as I suffer mental health illness.

I do like Prince Harry and Meghan Markle but for different reasons I like Meghan and her fashion sense and I just love reading about what she is wearing and how she looks.
I remember her at the women's tennis final last year and she had a hat with her but couldn't wear it for some reason or other and I went straight out to my favourite shop ASOS and bought a hat a bit like hers so she definitely has some kind of impact on me and many others I would imagine. I just wish I had her money to be able to replicate her wardrobe but it's nice to be able to indulge once in a while to replicate some of her fashion style. I do feel it has evolved from when she first met Harry to now she looks like she is copying Kate a lot more mind you Kate dresses impeccably so who can blame Meghan for wanting to copy her style.

The Queen is one of the UK's longest reigning monarchs of all time and to me she is just magical but
I am not just into the current royal family but I love all the past kings and queens too my favourite being the Tudor period. I would love to go back in time and live for 24 hours there or hope to live for  24 hours!! Not sure I would want to be married to King Henry VIII but to be apart of his court would be a sight to see. My daughter had to do a project on them a while back and I jumped at the chance to write about them it turned into a small novel evolving from the War of The Roses right through to his wives and his demise. I would have scored myself 10 out of 10 for that project but I don't think it was even read it was too complex for primary school and could have been a dissertation for university level!!

My friend John has a massive claim to fame in that he is the 17th generation third cousin to Richard III. If you remember Richard III was found to be buried underneath a car park in Greyfriars Leicester UK and was re-interred in Leicester Cathedral on 26 March 2015. An amazing story and his wikipedia page is rather interesting to read Richard III of England

I ran a poll on twitter yesterday and so far 73% of you like the Royal Family and 27% dislike them this is quite good news as I was expecting it to be the other way around!

If you didn't see my poll drop me a comment and let me know how you feel about the Royal Family.

Saturday, 25 May 2019

TV Shows

Most people I know watch the soaps on tv in the UK called Emmerdale, EastEnders and Coronation Street I used to watch them until they started depressing me slightly. So I haven't actually watched them in over a year now.
Emmerdale is about a farm or least it used to be and they all lived on it but now they mostly live in a village called Emmerdale with the richest living in a big house and they all either want to kill each other or sleep with each other or sit in the pub.
EastEnders is the same they live in North London on a tiny square which is weird cause I've never seen a square like that in North London!! And they either want to kill each other or sleep with each other or sit in a pub all day long again!
Coronation Street yep you guessed it the same!!
So instead I either watch my sports shows on Eurosport or I'm watching HardcorePawn on Blaze TV at 5pm about a family who own a pawn shop in Detroit and then onto Storage Wars about people bidding and buying old storage lockers which have been abandoned then onto Pawn Stars about another family who own a pawn shop in Las Vegas at 8pm then I usually go back to my beloved sports from 9pm if I am not having an early night but you'll always catch me with the sports on even if I'm not watching it!
Sports as I said is my happy place and my go to stress relief when needed. I can watch all sports and I am not fussy at all what sports I watch as long as there is sports on the tv I'm watching it.
I did actually watch the Eurovision song contest for a change last weekend and I have to say we were robbed as I thought the UK had a good song and it was sung well, but sadly it is all political when it shouldn't be. I wasn't too fussed with the winning song from The Netherlands but it's better than last years winner I guess! I do like The Netherlands even though I have only been to Amsterdam and what a week that was but that is for another blog!!
I do like films but I have to be in the mood for them and I usually like horror films I do occasionally like a romcom but you'll usually find me hidden behind a pillow watching horror!
What do you watch are you a soap watcher or do you watch something completely different maybe even a film buff?!

Thursday, 23 May 2019

My Reading List

At the moment I am reading three books and I cannot decide which one I like the best. They are all real life fiction books.
My first book which I have been trying to battle through is about Jim Jones called Raven about him and his peoples temple a cult in which he took them all to a new life in Guyana in South America and then he ended up committing mass suicide murder to over 900 of his cult members back in November of 1978. This book is a written by Tim Reittaman and is a monster of a book but then Jim Jones was a monster so I guess the book fits him. 

The second book I have been reading is called Helter Skelter about the Manson Family and the murders that took place on two consecutive nights involving the beautiful actress Sharon Tate her friends and the la Bianca murders the night after Sharon was killed. It goes into Charles Manson life how he became the way he was and how he started up his cult the Manson Family that went on to murder.

Thirdly I am reading about Ted Bundy as we all know he is back in the news again with the brilliant film Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile as he is portrayed by Zac Efron who in my opinion does an excellent job at playing Ted and is very convincing. If you haven't seen the film then go watch it it's a must watch. The book on the other hand is by Ann Rule and is called The Stranger Beside Me. Ann used to work with Ted at a crisis centre for people contemplating suicide and just wanting a chat and she charts how she met him and goes into the murders and his life once the law caught up with him and how she corresponded with him to write this book. Which in my opinion is pretty hard going but very interesting. 

How can I read three books at the same time quite easy actually when they are true crime stories and not just fiction books where I would probably get all mixed up!!
I love books and funnily I love the smell of them too. Give me a physical book in my hands any day I love to see people go Oh Whats she reading where as I couldn't do that if I had an e-book reader or kindle. Feeling and turning the pages of an actual book gives me great satisfaction. 

What are you reading at the moment and do you like physical books or do you love your kindle with a passion and is it fiction or non fiction you love?
Drop me a reply and let me know.

Wednesday, 22 May 2019

Modelling Days

When I was 14 I wanted to become an actress and my parents allowed me to join an acting/model agency called Kamera Kids in London.
I went on several auditions but it wasn't until one audition that really changed my life.
It was an audition for a catalogue at a model agency in London called Elite Models and even though I didn't get the job they called my mother up a week later and the model agency wanted to see me again so off we went back to the agency and they measured me and took all my stats at this age I was still maturing and was around 11 stone in weight. My mother was told that they wanted to take me on but I was too overweight and needed to lose some weight before they would consider me for their books.
So my journey and battle with food began I was told I had to get down to a size 10 from a size 14 dress size and I worked hard to lose this weight and started running this is where my love of running comes from.
I was doing well or so I thought but each time I went back to the agency they told me I needed to lose more and more weight. I had got down to a size 10 and now they wanted me down to a size 8. They said that they would take some screen shots for me and I had to travel half way across London to have my pictures taken by a photographer just him and I in those days I didn't think about safety but it was okay and he was a genuine photographer for the agency.
The screen shoot was fantastic and he took some lovely pictures which sadly I never got to keep in then end as the agency kept them. I was so tired of dieting I scoffed a mars bar that day and felt terribly guilty.
I was desperately trying to get down to a size 8 and was told I had a small window of time to do this or the agency weren't interested in me.
I started taking laxative's and eating and throwing up and so my battle with the weight and food turned into bulimia I was so thin by this stage that my family thought I was going anorexic.
The next time I turned up at the agency they said they would cut my hair short but because I was still overweight in their eyes that they would be embarrassed to send me to Vidal Sassoon to have it cut. I was mortified and just got deeper into my bulimia.
I would starve myself then binge eat then throw up then take laxative's. This went on for two years and every agency I went to said the same damn thing I was too overweight even though I was stuck at a size 10 and by now very thin.
My battle with the weight went right on until I was at least 18 and no matter how hard I tried I could not lose the weight they wanted. I was stuck at 9.5 stones and a size 10.
I still have trouble with my food even today and can starve myself for days then go on a binge and want to throw up but I have learnt to curb these feelings and be strong against them.
My daughter has recently expressed an interest in modelling and I am very dubious about her getting involved with it due to my disastrous time within the model industry.
I think if I was ever to let her get involved I would monitor it better than my parents did and would make sure she was eating properly and pull the plug on the whole thing if she was unable to get to a silly weight as deemed the norm for the model industry.
These days there are a lot more plus size models about and this is a good thing and I applaud many of the sites that use plus size models after all they are a true size and not a size as set by an industry that is so vain and think that being stick thin is a normal size.
I do understand that some people are naturally thin but for most of us this isn't the case and I had to work so hard at it that it made me very ill.
Don't get me wrong I am grateful for the opportunities that I had as a teenager but the scars it has left behind are just not worth the trouble it causes for the future you.


Tuesday, 21 May 2019

Paranormal Experiences

We all believe in something right and I believe in the paranormal and what does that mean exactly well it means I believe in an afterlife, ghosts and spirits.

Paranormal events are purported phenomena described in popular culturefolk, and other non-scientific bodies of knowledge, whose existence within these contexts is described as beyond normal experience or scientific explanation

I have had a few paranormal experiences from being a child to mostly experiences as an adult.
One experience was when we lived in an old country cottage that was a grade 2 listed building down in Surrey.

There used to be doors banging and cupboards opening all the time and just an eerie feeling to the house. When we had moved in their was some pentagrams on the wall and what was remnants of a witch or some kind of paranormal person who had lived there before we bought the place. My father died rather suddenly in this house in front of me and after this my experiences became more active. I was in the house one night and could hear someone upstairs and thinking my sister was in the house didn't think much of it. The walking across the landing to and fro and I wondered what she was doing then I heard my parents door open and close and this door had a distinct sound as it was on a rollerball mechanism. Wondering what she was doing I headed up the stairs and looked into my parents room and nothing and all the other rooms and nothing it then dawned on me that I was in fact alone in the house and what I was hearing was not of this world. My sister actually walked in the door about half an hour later and I told her what had happened she said "Oh it happens to me all the time" My mother actually had a lot of experiences in the house after my father died and she said she felt him get off the floor from where he died and get into bed beside her. I believed her too.
Some people had even seen victorian people in our house that used to cross through walls and then not seen again if you went looking for them.

My next major paranormal experience was when I owned my horse and I was at the stables late one night by myself. I was just putting some things away in the tack room and the weather was still and I noticed a white shadow figure just moving very slowly towards the big indoor arena we had there. This white figure had no legs but seemed to take on a form of some sort like a floating bodily form and floated right into the arena. I was too terrified to go looking in the arena as to what it was and quickly made my way out of the stables completely baffled as to what I had just witnessed. I did ask about the next day and a few of the people there said they had seen the exact figure and always near the arena but no-one could say what it was or why it was there and nothing major had ever happened at the stables that anybody knew of.

I was really lucky recently to go on a ghost hunt to a place called The Village in Mansfield UK what an eerie place this is to visit I must say. I had some very paranormal experiences there like a lot of folk that work there and have visited day to day and on ghost hunts. I kept getting a back ache in a certain place we were in with a snooker table like something was sitting on my back. Some of the fabulous guys who were conducting the ghost hunt said that there was a spirit man who was standing right by me quite interested in me as I am very spiritual that was quite unnerving. We heard shuffles and even a groan which sounded like a man right by us.

We all went into another room and there was supposed to be an evil man ghost in there and I just felt very angry like angrier than I had ever felt I wanted to scream and shout at everyone and had to leave the room at one point as it was getting too much for me. My friend Scarlett had a worse experience and this evil spirit was actually taunting her and making her very emotional. At one point in an experiment we were all holding hands and our hands were going up with what felt like children dancing around us and it was as if I could hear them singing. One child would not let go of Scarlett and literally had her hands snug up to her body and wouldn't let go. The lovely paranormal guys helped out and she was freed in the end but she had a scratch on her hand after this event and she was very emotional about it all. Scarlett was supposed to do a lone vigil but in the end Ashley one of the great paranormal investigators said that it was not wise for her to do it due to her emotions and that she had been so touched by the spirits.

The night was so good we are all going back to The Village in August to do another ghost hunt there and the same fabulous paranormal investigators will be with us. Scarlett and I both said that the place has like a pull on you and it is as if it is calling you back there.

I am lucky to be following some brilliant paranormal investigators on several social networks and people of a like minded nature. There is always a ghost hunt going on and it's really great hearing about it from others and hearing other peoples experiences with the afterlife.

I wonder what other paranormal experiences await me and wonder what awaits us next time we visit The Village?

Sunday, 19 May 2019

Mental Health and Coping

I am not ashamed to say that I suffer mental health illness for which I take tablets for and I have a lot of people asking me how I cope on a day to day basis with this issue as tablets sometimes only work a certain amount of magic.
Well I have a few ways of coping with it I usually have a few happy places that I go to when I am feeling down. I watch a lot of sports this is my main happy place I find it very therapeutic, I watch any sport and am not fussy all sports make me happy. At the moment there is a lot of cycling and diving on the tv so I have been mostly watching these at the moment.
My other happy place is reading a good book this can take you out of your present time and into the roles within the book. I am presently reading a book about Ted Bundy by Ann Rule called "The Stranger Beside Me" I am finding it quite hard going but I am determined to get through it.
When you have mental health illness I have to admit it can be hard to find a happy place but I have perfected my happy places through time and patience.
These are just my happy places but yours could be completely different as long as that place where your illness is capable then you doing something right.
Sometimes even taking medication for your mental health can be a happy place but I need that extra coping mechanism as my mental health is so bad even on tablets.
Never feel you are alone there is always someone to talk to or as I do go to my happy places for a while and I often feel better.
Another thing I wanted to just incorporate in my post is the fact of how proud I am that Prince William is talking about his mental health issues and we need more people like him talking about coping and how it has touched their lives.
Coping with mental health is not easy though is it but remember YOU are in control not the other way around.

Mental health etc…

I haven’t blogged in such a long time but that is due to my mental health being in the toilet for a while there.  I am on some medication no...