I used to have an account which I started in 2009 and seeing Philip Schofield rave about this micro blogging site he had found. I loved it instantly I had got quite few followers on that account some really great people but sadly my mental health took a turn for the worst at the end of 2016 and I abandoned ship and completely deleted my account. I didn't think much of it at the time and was quite relieved to be shot of it but it wasn't until I was getting better that I decided to use a spare twitter account I had to come back again.
A funny thing happened on my old account I used to follow Matt Horn from Gavin and Stacey and one night I was watching a ghost show on pick and so was he. We started talking and I said something to him which for the life of me now I cannot remember, probably I was a bit squiffy and I offended him unknowingly, anyway that was the last of that beautiful friendship and he blocked me!
I follow some great people now too and I am always grateful for a follow. I love how you can interact with people that you wouldn't necessarily meet in real life and that you can follow celebrities and tweet to them and if you're lucky get a mention or like back!
I have met some lovely people off twitter whom are now my friends.
I love the paranormal family that I follow and you can always see an interesting thread on who has been on a paranormal hunt I do like that. It's a lovely community and that is what twitter is all about isn't it. There are other communities on there and all of them are great.
So the other day on my newt_kiters account I was attacked by a spam bot. I stupidly clicked on someones link thinking it was for something quite genuine when in fact it was just stupid spam and I had to delete my account as every time I went into it it kept DM'ing people spam and they were not impressed and I got upset, I know over twitter! But all seems to be okay now with it and the spam bot seems to have gone I hope!
Also if you're reading this and either not on twitter or not following me add me my blog account is NewtfulThings and my normal twitter is newt_kiters and I'll give you a follow back!