I smoke I know yes it is disgusting but to me it is one of my favourite things to do especially when I am stressed out!
I have been thinking of giving up for a long time now but it is so hard to do and the thought of it scares me, silly I know.
If you can imagine when you was little and you had a blanket or a dummy or used your thumb to sleep this is how I feel about cigarettes. I have tried to use apps in the past to help and tried hypnotism apps. I have even tried vaping! I cannot use patches due to my other medication and have tried gum too but nothing has worked.
I do want to give up but right now I just don't think is the time for it. I am trying to lose weight and I do not want to give up too much all at once.
I have challenged myself that when I have lost my weight I will give up the cigarettes and I am sticking to that.
You will give up smoking if and when you choose. If for now it helps you stay calm..then that's good... small steps...small steps. Bit all missions have to be completed on the same day
Thanks x
You need to stop.
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