Tuesday, 10 March 2020

new dog

we have a new dog and she is called Meg we rescued her and she adds to our other two dogs we have but there has been some teething problems with her getting her to integrate into the household.

The people we rescued her from said she was used to other dogs which is a complete lie she looks like she has only ever been out on walks and encountered dogs as far as we can tell.

The thing is I had to get rid of one of my beloved dogs a year ago as she was fighting with my other two dogs and it was getting dangerous so we rehomed her to a farm where she was only dog there and I am worried that it is going to happen again with meg as she has been snarling at my other two dogs and things are a bit hit and miss as to whether they are going to get on at the moment.

I am a sucker for rescuing dogs that other people do not want and meg is so skinny it looks like she has been starved. I'm hoping she will get used to the house and the other dogs I have khan and jacks but its early days yet.

I have been on some websites to see if they can guide me through dog fights if it happens but according to one Cesear Milan he says you shouldn't be thinking of dog fights at all and if you are nervous it will happen and you'll get the dogs all nervous. I am just hoping that I do not have to rehome her again due to her not getting on with my other dogs which at the moment is okay but as she gets better she may start getting more boisterous but only time will tell. I need to be more confident with them its my big dog jacks that I am more worried about than my little dog khan with her as jacks is very boisterous himself.

I just don't want it impacting on my mental health as it is in the toilet at the moment and I cannot cope with fighting dogs at all. My family all think I am nuts worrying about it but I just cannot help it no-one else seems worried about it at all.

I shall keep you updated on her progress as always

Mental health etc…

I haven’t blogged in such a long time but that is due to my mental health being in the toilet for a while there.  I am on some medication no...